Music hath charm….

I like to listen to music as I navigate my way through my day.. And my taste in music is pretty varied. I find the Songza app on my computer, iPad and iPhone is a great way to listen to music, it has the Concierge to help you figure out what kind of music you want based on what you’re doing, or you can choose your playlist based on genre, mood, or decade… 

While I was listening the other day I heard a remix of an old Lionel Ritchie/ Diana Ross song, “Endless Love”. It was the theme song of a rather mediocre movie ( starring Brooke Shields) that was originally a novel of the same name , written by Judy Blume. It was one of Ms. Blume’s more adult novels ( as compared to” Otherwise Known as Sheila The Great”  and ” Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing”) and at the grand old age of 12 or 13 or however old I was it was extremely racy.

The remix is done by Lionel and Shania Twain, and it is absolutely delightful. In fact, I think it’s better than the original ( with my deepest apologies going to Ms. Ross, whom I adore)

You should give it a listen, it’s awesome

About melissaannphotography

Reader, photographer, wife, mother and grandmother, I enjoy trying new things, and creative playing. My friends might say I have creative ADD, but hey,it's never boring at my house..
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